fietsvakantie België jun 2007

01 Jan 1904 – 22 Jun 2007
pict2382 Back in Zeeland and on a funny bank�
Back in Zeeland and on a funny bank
pict2380 In the village of Melle:: origin of the Van Melles ???�
In the village of Melle:: origin of the Van Melles ???
pict2379 on the campsite�
on the campsite
pict0118 Gravenstein�
pict0116 Some elaborate housefronts�
Some elaborate housefronts
pict0113 workers unions were pretty rich�
workers unions were pretty rich
pict2374 Another view�
Another view
pict0110 View from the roof of the castel Gravenstein�
View from the roof of the castel Gravenstein
pict0109 The medieval city centre of Gent�
The medieval city centre of Gent
pict0105 The waterfront side of het grote vleeshuis�
The waterfront side of het grote vleeshuis
pict0103 The outside of het grote vleeshuis�
The outside of het grote vleeshuis
pict0100 Grote Vleeschhuis�
Grote Vleeschhuis
pict0099 in het grote Vleeschhuis van Gent�
in het grote Vleeschhuis van Gent
pict2371 all set�
all set
pict2370 on the campsite in Gent�
on the campsite in Gent
pict2368 bike in the bag�
bike in the bag
pict2367 preparing the luggage�
preparing the luggage
pict2366 On the railwaystation of St. Omer�
On the railwaystation of St. Omer
pict0095 again on the road to St. Omer�
again on the road to St. Omer